Before participating on the website, complete the consent form below.
Title of the Study: Community Perception of Sustainability Issues
Study Investigator: Dr. Kaiping Chen, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
DESCRIPTION OF THE RESEARCH Dr. Kaiping Chen from the Department of Life Sciences Communication and Dr. Corey Jackson from the School of Information at UW-Madison are conducting a research study to examine how community members living in Madison and Dane County perceive different environmental issues (e.g., air quality, heat & health, trees, climate technology). We invite you to participate in this study. UW-Madison will be the primary data collection, storage, and management institution. Your participation is voluntary, which means you can choose whether to participate. This research study aims to understand how you feel environmental issues are related to your daily life and suggest to the city and county government how these issues can be improved and what resources and information you need.
WHAT WILL MY PARTICIPATION INVOLVE? You must be 18 years or older to participate. You must have registered with Urban Triage before participating in this study. If you decide to participate in today’s digital platform to share your ideas, complete the following activities below. The total participation will take 20 - 25 minutes.
Activity 1: Provide feedback by completing all Steps 2 (Feedback) and 3 (Map) under the “Local Government and Me” Tab on all of the following issues:
- Air Quality
- Heat Map
- Tree Canopy
Activity 2: Complete at least one of the following under the “Environment Justice” Tab:
- Post a story about how environmental issues have impacted you,
- Complete a survey about environmental justice/activism, or
- Post an idea about enhancing environmental justice
WILL I BE COMPENSATED FOR MY PARTICIPATION? Upon completing all of the three activities listed above, you will be compensated $50
ARE THERE ANY BENEFITS TO ME? There are no anticipated benefits to your participation in this study.
ARE THERE ANY RISKS TO ME? There is a minimal risk of a breach of confidentiality—your responses are confidential. Participants may reveal personal, sensitive, or identifiable information when responding to the questions on the digital platform. While there will probably be publications from this study, only group characteristics will be published. You may feel uncomfortable conversing with other community members about some issues. You are free not to answer some questions and may stop your participation at anytime. Future Research Your private identifiers will be removed from the identifiable private information and that, after such removal, the information could be used for future research studies or distributed to another investigator for future research studies without additional informed consent from the subject or the legally authorized representative.
WHOM SHOULD I CONTACT IF I HAVE QUESTIONS? If you have any questions about this study, please contact Dr. Kaiping Chen at and Dr. Corey Jackson at If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant or have complaints about the research study or study team, call the confidential research compliance line at 1-833-652-2506. Staff will work with you to address concerns about research participation and assist in resolving problems.