What is the Carbon Cycle?

Carbon is an essential element on Earth. It is made up of fuels that we use, sometimes called fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, and gas). Burning them creates energy that we use to power our cars or heat our homes. However, burning fossil fuels produces a lot of carbon dioxide. And carbon dioxide is a heat-trapping gas that surrounds the Earth like a blanket.

And while this is a natural process that has happened for millions of years, recently, humans have been burning too many fossil fuels, making the blanket around the planet denser (like going from a light, cotton blanket to a heavy, down blanket). Because heat is getting trapped inside the blanket, the Earth is getting warmer (which is why we call it global warming or climate change).

How do we remove Carbon Dioxide from the air?

How do we remove carbon dioxide from the air? We can plant more trees and use technology, including a direct air capture storage space in a neighborhood that captures carbon dioxide and a process that removes carbon from the ocean and soil.

Here is an article where you will learn about each approach in an interactive way: https://foundationforclimaterestoration.org/solution-series/

Here is an article introducing some of the companies that are working on implementing and testing this new technology: "Revolutionizing Climate Technology: 4 Innovative Approaches You Should Know About"

Take Action: Additional Informational Resources

World Resources Institute 6 ways to remove carbon pollution.

Columbia's 35 ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

Reducing Greenhouse gas emissions at home:

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Check this interactive blog to learn more about the carbon dioxide removal technologies:

Calculate your carbon footprint here.

The carbon cycle:

Removal Technologies: